
Aws ebs pricing
Aws ebs pricing

aws ebs pricing

These charges are not applicable to the SSD gp2 volume you provisioned. If you decided to deploy an EBS volume as gp3 General Purpose SSD, you could provision both its throughput and IOPS. Provisioned throughput charge is calculated as MB/second-month and provisioned IOPS is charged at IOPS-month. The calculation for provisioned throughput (MB/s) and provisioned IOPS work the same way as GB-month. Some specific EBS volumes are provisioned with extra throughput and/or IOPS, and there’s a cost associated with premium performance. If you have provisioned multiple EC2 instances each with this volume configuration on the same date, you can simply multiply the figure with the number of instances. In other words, the EBS volumes will be up for:

aws ebs pricing

With 30 days in September, it would be 15 days and 10 hours (2 PM to 12:00 AM on 14 September) before the current calendar month’s billing period ends for that EBS volume. Let’s also say, you deployed the volume on the 14th of September at 2:00 PM. The storage cost in that region at the time of writing is $0.114 per GB-month of provisioned storage. So, let’s say you provisioned a 500 GB gp2 General Purpose SSD volume for your EC2 instance running in Mumbai, India. That’s the total size of the volume in GB over a total month calculated as per second increments with a 60-second minimum. The cost of these types of volumes depends on the volume type and size only, and are charged as GB-month. These volumes don’t need backups and will be detached (and perhaps deleted) when the EC2 instance is terminated. These are typically small volumes that don’t require high performance or provisioned IOPS. Typically, each EC2 instance will be provisioned with one or more EBS volumes for storing operational components like application binaries.

Aws ebs pricing